Belgian Official Gazette

By digitizing the daily Belgian Official Gazette (FR-D-NL), you have electronic access to all texts published after 1 July 1997. Searches dating as far back as 1945 (reference data) can be carried out using a concise user manual.

Public tenders

You will find public contracting in this bulletin.


In addition, the Official Gazette provides access (FR) to the Legislative Index and the consolidated Legislation, two databases that together result in an accessible Belgian legislation.

Publications of companies and associations

For companies and associations there is a separate database (FR) where the annexes to the Belgian Official Gazette can be searched and consulted in various ways. You can find information on how and which publications can be consulted in our user manual.

Forms, rates and address information

Our accompanying explanations will help you to complete the appropriate forms (FR-D-NL), look up the rates to be paid (FR) and find the address of the registry of the trade court. (FR-NL)

Portal Ad-Ministerie

Our portal has brought all these different sources of information together in one place, conveniently divided and processed together with other databases and a range of forms.

Our services

All the elements you can process by yourself are listed. Of course you can also choose to make use of our services.