Start of a company
Once your idea has been worked out, it’s up to the practical matters. This is not always easy, but we have listed a number of points of interest here.
Original name
A company has a company name, but as a natural entity you can also choose a commercial name. In the Public Search of the Crossroads Bank of Companies, you can find out whether your name already exists or not. Prevention is better than cure.
Choice between association, sole trader or company form
Largely determined by the purpose of your activities, you will have to choose between an association or commercial form. In the latter case, you can choose to start your activity as a sole trader or in another form of company. The difference is regularly explained in our messages.
Administrative formalities
There are many administrative steps to be taken. We have listed the most important ones and it goes without saying that you can also turn to us to assist you in this.
Financial plan
If you opt for a company, you will have to draw up a financial plan for most legal forms. Here you will have to indicate which financial means you have at your disposal, what the expectations are regarding investments, purchases and sales, costs, results before and after tax for the first two years. It is best to discuss this with a certified accountant or accountant.
Deed of incorporation
Depending on the legal form, you will draw up a deed of incorporation at the notary’s office or by private deed. That deed must be registered at the competent registration office and its contents must be published in the annexes of the Belgian Official Gazette.
Basic knowledge Business management and access to the profession
In order to carry out a commercial activity, you will, in most cases, need to prove the basic knowledge of business management. For protected activities, you will have to demonstrate the necessary professional competence. This is also called access to the profession.
Enterprise counter
With the deed of incorporation and the necessary proof for basic knowledge and business management, you need to activate your establishment(s) at an enterprise counter.
Value added tax or VAT
Your VAT number is activated when you notify the competent VAT office (Fr-NL) of the establishment of your business.
Social security fund registration
Both the company and the company director must be members of a social security fund of their choice.